Mattermost Platform

Mattermost is a Slack-type communications platform (but better, and open-source) for team collaboration and project management. Once you’ve received an e-mail invitation to join, you can access the Radish Group site through your web browser and through the desktop and mobile apps.

For our day-to-day work, Mattermost will replace e-mail for most internal purposes. Communication through Mattermost can be much more rapid and flexible than via conventional e-mail (though the way it gets used will vary depending on everyone’s style and schedule of work).

Installing Mattermost Desktop and Mobile App

In addition to the web-based portal, Mattermost also comes with desktop and mobile apps, which you can download here. The desktop app is likely easiest for day-to-day use.


Mattermost Channels make it possible to flexibly organize communications. Channels can exist for particular groups of people, for specific projects or topics, or any other purpose. See the Mattermost Channels documentation for more details.


Mattermost Boards are tools for project management. Projects can be broken down into tasks and assigned different priorities and states of completion. We’ll use Boards to plan projects, assign tasks and track the progress of our work. See the Mattermost Boards documentation for more details.
